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Square is the new modern fave. Thanks to Instagram and the "square" setting on most cell phone cameras, it’s hip to be square. Square is adaptable to a wide range of topics and photo styles. An excellent choice for faces (round face in a square frame), pets, simple nature images, close-ups and lifestyle.

Square brings out the best in both vertical and horizontal images, while adding to your layout options.



Price for 14 pages. Additional 2 pages + $1.44

Shape? Size? Start here:


Simply: What’s your preference in covers? The closed book is the first impression—begin there.

Photo Style

Sweeping landscapes? Intimate portraits? Small groups? Large gatherings? Tall buildings or tiny flowers?

The Size of Your Idea

Choose from petite and square that you can slip into a pocket to massive and panoramic that you can wrap your arms around.

Template categories